Mohave County |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 14. ENVIRONMENT |
§ 14-102. License application.
An application for a license shall be completed and submitted to the county planning and zoning department on a form provided by the department. The application shall not be considered complete until the department receives all applicable fees and all material required by this section. Applicants shall not commence any land application activities until the license application has been reviewed and approved by the director of the county planning and zoning department. In addition to a completed application form, the applicant must submit the following:
A 1:24,000 scale map showing the location of each site on which sewage sludge shall be applied. This map shall include:
Topographic information showing the drainage characteristics of property, including locations of streams, lakes, or other water courses and impoundments either on or adjacent to the property; water supplies including individual and community wells within 500 feet of the application site; all buildings and neighboring land uses within 300 feet of the application site; application site boundaries; and location of roadways to and from the application site;
The parcel number, tax map information, site acreage, name and address of all owners of the application site, and information setting forth the name and address of all adjacent property owners to the application site;
Percolation test results of the entire application site; and
Seasonal water table elevation and/or location of rock strata or other impervious strata.
Soils information by a certified soil scientist to confirm soil suitability at each land application site. Soil information shall include soil borings and a soil survey map of each site. For a land application site to be suitable it must meet the following requirements:
Have medium or fine surface textures. Land application shall not be done on sand or peat surface textures. Must have a surface permeability (percolation rate) slower than four inches per hour;
Have a two-foot minimum separation to the water table or bedrock;
Have six inches of available water holding capacity between the application depth and the water table or bedrock;
Must be free from flooding hazards; and
Must not be within a county designated floodplain.
The proposed volumes of sewage sludge to be applied on each site.
The proposed application method (proposed application method shall be either subsurface injection or incorporation).
Certified mail receipts from property owners directly adjacent to the land application site evidencing having received notice from the applicant of the proposed land application of sewage sludge.
A licensing fee to be established annually by the county board of supervisors. The amount of this licensing fee shall be based upon the estimated costs to be incurred by the county carrying out its regulatory and monitoring function under this article. A license applicant under this article shall tender the license fee prior to receipt of an original or renewed license. The initial annual licensing fee shall be $38,000.00 per land-application site.
Each land application site shall not exceed 640 contiguous acres.
Each land application site shall be under one ownership and not be a combination of multiple ownerships.
( Ord. No. 2003-03 , § 106, 8-4-2003)