Latest version.
  • A.

    Purpose and Establishment.

    It is the purpose of this Section to provide for uniformity in road naming and numerical addressing; elimination of inconsistencies and duplication of road names; provide a unique address for each lot and parcel in the county; facilitate emergency vehicle response; establish a uniform road name and address numbering system; development standards; display standards; official addressing maps; elimination of non-conforming road names and addresses; and establishing the authority for the creation of naming roads, addressing and other items related to county roads, properties, and improvements within the jurisdictional boundaries of the county and outside the boundaries of incorporated cities.

    It is the responsibility of property owners to exercise due diligence to determine the status of access rights to their property. The access rights may be in the form of recorded or unrecorded instruments, including grants or reservations of easements contained in deed and other instruments, or claims of access based on easements by prescription or necessity that are not readily accessible to Department staff. The Department staff does not have the expertise to research the records for applicants or the authority make such determinations. The Department discourages trespass on the property of others, and does not intend that issuance of an address or road name be construed as authorization for trespass.



    For the purposes of this section, the following terms are defined:

    Address: A number, directional prefix, primary street name, and suffix, and an occupant identifier when required. The structure address is also called the situs (or main) address.

    Address Number: The numerical part of an individual address that designates a specific number located at a certain point along an addressing gridline from a baseline that starts at zero.

    Addressing Coordinator Technician: An authorized county employee charged with the duties to implement road naming, addressing, renumbering, and other tasks of the Addressing Standards, as assigned by the Addressing Official.

    Addressing Grid: An x-y coordinate grid, or north-south/east-west grid, which designates the location of sequentially ascending address numbers at a specific interval from a zero baseline, such as 101, 103, 105/102, 104, 106, increasing the numbers, even and odd, to the grid limit.

    Addressing Official: The Mohave County Development Services Director.

    Addressing Range: For Mohave County, the application of one unique number approximately every 21 feet from a zero baseline, adding up to 250 odd and 250 even numbers per linear mile. Addressing ranges may vary in length depending on location, terrain, direction of the road, length of the road, combinations of the above and other factors.

    Administrative Address: An address (usually temporary) assigned by the county for management of records, permits, addressing anomalies, construction, and other purposes, such as coordinate addresses, until a permanent situs address can be assigned. Administrative addresses are not intended to be permanent.

    Baseline: A north-south or east-west axis used as the zero starting point for assigning address numbers.

    Building: A structure designed for human occupancy or use.

    Calibrated Number(ing) Line (or Calibration Line, or Number Line): An imaginary line referencing a particular addressing range and separated into equal increments to which odd and even address number pairs are assigned (e.g., the line can be the length of a grid block, or shorter, as in a tenant space line in a shopping center.)

    Commercial: A development intended for commerce and not for residential single-family dwellings.

    Cul-de-sac: A short street having one end open to traffic and being terminated at the other end by a vehicular turnaround.

    Directional Prefix: A prefix letter or word used before a road name that describes the compass direction of the road from the baseline, as in: N. or North, S. or South, E. or East, W. or West.

    Directional Signs: Address information signs.

    Documented Access: For 911 emergency addressing purposes, any traversable vehicle access or ingress and egress shown on the Mohave County Assessor Maps which is a minimum width as prescribed by the county Public Works Department and approved by that Department as an access to residential or commercial lots and parcels.

    Entrance Signs: Address information located at access points.

    Emergency Service Numbering Area (ESN): Emergency response districts within Grid Numbering Areas relating to police, fire and ambulance district coverage.

    Grid Numbering Area: An area within the county that has its own point of origin, or x-y zero line coordinate system for addressing. Currently, there are five Grid Numbering Areas within the county: Kingman area, Mohave Valley area/Bullhead City area, Lake Havasu City area, Virgin River Communities area, and Town of Colorado City area, and when extended cover the entire county.

    Grid Numbering Block: Ascending from the point of origin, from one section corner perpendicularly or horizontally to the next section corner and including 250 odd and even addressing number pairs within that prescribed distance.

    Occupant Identifier: A specific address number that delineates individual unit locations within a single situs address. This number shall be used following the situs address (e.g., 5000 N. Stockton Hill Road, Apartment 143, or 3675 N. Highway 66, Suite 101).

    Point-of-Origin: The intersection of the north-south and east-west axes (addressing baselines) establishing the number zero at the intersection.

    Primary Access: Principal point of ingress-egress. It may be different than the recorded documented access to the parcel.

    Primary Street Name: Principal component of a road name, not including the suffix or directional prefix, e.g., Stockton Hill, Boundary Cone, Jagerson.

    Residence or Residential: A structure or location used for human dwelling purposes.

    Situs Address: An assigned address for a structure. The number on the Grid Numbering Block that corresponds to the structure location on a parcel of land that adjoins a recognized public or private roadway right-of-way or easement.

    Street Name: The primary name given to a private or public thoroughfare, including its suffix. It does not include the directional prefix (N., S., E., W., etc., e.g., Boundary Cone Road, Aztec Road).

    Street Sign: Displays any combination of the following: directional prefix, primary name, suffix, any compass direction indicators and/or addressing range.

    Suffix: A word following the primary street name used to indicate the type of road, e.g., Boulevard, Road, Drive, Avenue, Circle, etc.

    Tenant, Commercial: Space within a building, under separate control, which has primary access to exterior or interior public spaces and is used for business activity.

    Tenant, Residential: Space within a commercial residential development used for dwelling purposes, and which is rented or leased.


    General Provisions.



    The Development Services Director is hereby designated as the Mohave County Addressing Official, and shall be responsible for the administration of these regulations.


    The Addressing Official shall prepare, for the approval of the Board of Supervisors, the official road naming and property addressing requirements through amendment to the Zoning regulations.


    The Addressing Official shall prepare or have prepared Official Addressing Maps, the Official Numbering Grid Base Maps, Indexes, and other pertinent records, and shall maintain those records and make them available to the public.


    The provisions of this authority are extended to include the addressing and road naming of all public and private roads, easements and other means of ingress and egress associated with the necessity to assign an official address for 911 purposes.


    The Addressing Official is authorized to approve, modify, or reject road names submitted according to these regulations to eliminate duplication or confusion, and shall assign road names and addresses in accordance with approved requirements and policies. The Addressing Official is authorized to permit a variance for new addresses only in cases of unresolvable address conflicts or extreme hardship.


    The Addressing Official may delegate the authority to perform the functions described herein and in the Addressing Policies to the Addressing Coordinator Technician within the department, but shall be responsible for the administration of these regulations.


    Address numbers and road name assignment are a function of Mohave County and are assigned to properties according to the requirements of the 911 emergency response system and for the convenience of property owners and residents. A property owner or resident has no vested right in a road name or address number.


    Addresses may not be transferred from one location to another.


    Addressing information contained in the county 911 addressing and road naming system that is considered classified by the Bureau of the Census, U.S. Department of the Interior, shall not be available for public access except by authorization of the Census Bureau, 13 US Code.


    Technically, only structures may be addressed, and the address is not assigned until permits to construct a structure are issued or the structure already exists. This procedure locates the exact position of the structure along the Calibration Line within the Grid Numbering Area in order to apply the appropriate number that is assigned along the Line.


    Addresses will not be assigned until all the conditions of a rezone have been satisfied. Addresses will not be assigned to property except under unique circumstances, or the lot or parcel is the smallest indivisible division of a subdivision.


    Procurement of an Address.

    It shall be the responsibility of the owner of each structure within the county for which an application for a zoning, or building permit has been made to procure the correct physical address(es) assigned by the Addressing Official and to immediately display said number(s) as detailed by the Addressing Requirements and Policies. Documents with proper legal information may be required from any person, firm, or corporation in order to properly assign an address.


    These standards shall regulate all lots, parcels, structures, occupant identifiers, and roads within the unincorporated areas of Mohave County.


    Only the Addressing Official (or authorized representative), may assign, approve, or change an address.


    Address Maps and Indexes.


    The Addressing Official shall establish and maintain the following maps and indexes:


    Grid maps describing addressing ranges for all portions of unincorporated Mohave County, less pairs for short sections, more pairs for longer sections, for each Addressing Grid Numbering Area in the county, and delineating points of origin.


    Map sets delineating each assigned address for subdivided land and unsubdivided parcels.


    An index of approved, current street and road names.


    An index of approved, reserved street and road names.


    All maps and indexes shall be kept on file with the Addressing Technician in the Development Services Department, and shall be available for inspection during normal working hours.


    Maps and indexes may be created, updated, stored and viewed in electronic media.


    Development Information.

    The Public Works Department shall provide the Development Services Department maps and legal descriptions of the following proposed right-of-way developments and modifications:


    Amendments to the major roads and scenic routes plan, if any.


    Rights-of-way dedications.


    Realignments of existing rights-of-way.


    Abandonments of existing rights-of-way.


    Changes in access to property, caused by road changes or improvements.


    Application Information.

    Any person or entity requesting a new address, or to correct an address on the official addressing list, or requesting to name a public or private road, easement or right-of-way, shall file an application through the Development Services Department.


    Fees. Fees shall be adopted by the Board of Supervisors in a fee schedule to cover the administration and enforcement of these standards. A fee will not be charged for address changes that are a result of an error or omission by the county. An appropriate fee as adopted by the Board of Supervisors.


    Addressing, Road Names, and Grid Development.


    Address Numbering Concept. The address numbering concept used herein is point-of-origin on an axis. North-south and east-west baseline/axis lines shall be established for each address system. The intersection of the north-south and east-west baseline/axis lines shall be the point-of-origin. Numbering shall increase in the north, south, east, and west directions from the point of origin.


    Grid Numbering Areas. Discrete areas of the county shall be given their own baseline axes, points of origin, numbering grids radiating from the points of origin, and street numbers.


    Grid Numbering Areas shall be established only in areas which will not overlap other address systems. Portions of Grid Numbering Areas may be split off to create new Grid Numbering Areas if no addressing assignments exist in the new portion and the new Grid Numbering Area would be a logical division for 911 purposes.


    If one existing Grid Numbering Area expands to overlap another address system where no addresses have been assigned, a dominant system shall be selected, or a new Grid shall be created. Otherwise:


    The non-dominant system shall be abandoned and re-addressed to conform to the dominant system; or


    The dominant system shall have limits established to restrict further expansion.


    A Grid shall be based upon the standard land-surveying construct of section, township, and range.


    The section (one square mile) shall be the primary Grid division, with:


    Each section line divided into increments of one even and one odd number every 21 feet, for a total of 250 pairs of odd and even numbers.


    Existing sections with nonconforming hundred blocks shall remain unchanged.


    Existing, unimproved sections with hundred block designations shall comply with these standards, upon any residential or commercial development.


    The following Address Systems (Grid Numbering Areas) are established in the unincorporated areas of the county, and not including any area within a municipality:


    Kingman area.


    Mohave Valley-Bullhead City area.


    Lake Havasu City area.


    Virgin River Communities area.


    Colorado City area.


    Special Addressing Grids (SAG).


    Eligibility. Notwithstanding the other provisions in this ordinance, Special Addressing Grids may be established by the Board of Supervisors. If the Board approves the establishment of a Special Addressing Grid, it shall be in conjunction, and concurrently with planned development of at least one section of land (approximately one square mile) or more, that also meet all of the following:


    All of the interior roadways of the development are private.


    No private roadway alignment or name included as a part of the development extends into adjacent grids.


    All internal roadways shall have a name unique (unused elsewhere) within the county, as determined by the Addressing Coordinator.


    The proposal for a Special Addressing Grid is made by the applicant as a part of the planned development, with the inception of the development processing.


    All units and phases of development subject to a Special Addressing Grid shall be compact and contiguous.


    The applicant shall obtain and provide to the county, at the time of the initial submittal of the development plan, written statements from all E-911 service providers, postal and delivery services, and other related jurisdictions, acknowledging the proposed Special Addressing Grid, as proposed in the application to the county, and expressing support for, or no objection, to the proposal.


    Address numbering and road naming within Special Addressing Grids shall otherwise adhere to the requirements of this ordinance, and in any instance be compatible with E-911 and other emergency service standards, without jeopardizing the health, safety and welfare of the public.


    Subdivision proposals not processed (in the determination of the Development Services Director) as a planned development, but which have had a Preliminary Plan approved or conditionally approved prior to March 1, 2006, may use Special Addressing Grids if those proposals are otherwise compliant with the eligibility requirements outlined herein.


    The application and enforcement of these provisions shall be through the Mohave County Development Services Director, or Addressing Coordinator.


    Dissolution of Special Addressing Grids.


    A Special Addressing Grid, having been established by approval of the Board of Supervisors as a part of a planned development proposal, may be dissolved by action of the Board, if no subdivision Final Plats have been recorded for the planned development project within five (5) years of the date of original Board approval of the planned development plan.


    Road and Street Names.


    Any governmental agency, utility, or property owner whose permanent documented access may be affected may request establishment of a road or street name for any unnamed existing or proposed road, or the renaming of any road. The requesting person or agency shall submit proposed names and follow the standards for road naming, detailed in the Addressing Policies for road naming procedures. New road names shall be established on, and by, the recordation of a subdivision plat, parcel plat, or other county-approved development plat, with those names having first obtained approval from the Addressing Official.


    Mohave County may correct road names when necessary, without consent of the property owners along the road alignment, if it involves correcting a 911 emergency response problem.


    Proposals to re-name a road shall require an application from the person proposing the road re-naming, to the attention of the Addressing Official, for their consideration.

    Such application shall include a map that shows the location of the road, its extent, and shall be accompanied by appropriate re-naming fees, and letters from all utilities, service providers (i.e., fire district, etc.), and all property owners who would be affected by the name change.

    It shall be the responsibility of the person proposing the road re-naming to contact all utilities, service providers and property owners as a part of their application to re-name a roadway.

    If all utility companies, service providers, and all property owners express written approval of (or written "no objection" to) the proposed road name change, the Addressing Official may approve the proposal administratively.

    If the proposal is opposed by any utility, service provider or property owner, the proposal shall be brought forward with a recommendation from the Addressing Official, for the consideration of the Commission and Board.


    Road names shall be composed of at least the following:


    A primary name. The primary name may be composed of one or two words and each primary shall be considered unique. Foreign language names are included as long as they are appropriate to the locale and community road name patterns.


    A directional prefix. That which denotes the predominant direction of the road.


    A suffix. An identifier that denotes the road type. The following are common suffixes, and the abbreviations shall be used on road signs when full spelling of the road name limits sign space:

    [usually with 'de' or 'del']
    Alley = Al Avenida = Ave
    Avenue = Ave Calle = Ca
    Bay = Bay Camino = Cam
    Beltway = Bwy Circulo = Crc
    Bend = Bnd Corte = Crt
    Boulevard = Blvd Paseo = Pa
    Circle = Cir Placita = Pta
    Corral = Cor Vuelta = Vta
    Court = Ct
    Cove = Cv
    Drive = Dr
    Gulch = Gul
    Highway = Hwy
    Hill = Hl
    Hollow = Hlw
    Lane = Ln
    Loop = Lp
    Parkway = Pkwy
    Pass = Ps
    Path = Pth
    Place = Pl
    Plaza = Plz
    Point = Pt
    Ridge = Rdg
    Road = Rd
    Square = Sq
    Street = St
    Terrace = Tr
    Trail = Trl
    Way = Way



    Review criteria for acceptance of street and road names.






    Correct Spelling.






    Length of name.


    Same language used.


    Foreign language compliance.


    Foreign language usage.


    Any person submitting a request to name a road where the name is a foreign word or the meaning of the road name is unclear shall provide a verification of the meaning, or a translation from a reputable dictionary of the language of the name, or another source fluent in the foreign language, before a road name application shall be processed.


    Meanings of Indian names requested for road names shall be verified by a member of the relevant tribe or other authority.


    Foreign language name review shall include:


    Proper gender and number (generally used version; avoid exceptions).


    Appropriate definite article, if any.


    Commonly used meanings.


    Proper use and placement of diacritical marks, if any.


    English translation (or as close as possible).


    Language type.


    Subdivision and development plan names shall also conform to the foreign language format.


    General restrictions on street and road names (unless otherwise permitted by these standards).


    A new road falling on the alignment of an existing named road shall not assume a different name than the existing aligned road, regardless of distance or jurisdiction.


    A new road falling on an alignment with multiple names shall assume the predominate or closest proximity road name.


    Perpendicular directions for the same road name shall not be permitted.


    Existing names shall not be assigned to any other alignment.


    Each name shall not have more than one version of spelling.


    Phonetically unsuitable or potentially confusing names shall be avoided in the same Grid Numbering Area; examples:


    Homonyms or homophones (e.g. Nixon, Nickson).


    Names that tend to be slurred (e.g., French, colloquial, dialects).


    Names which are likely to be run together (example: Golden Rod).


    Names which are likely to be mispronounced and, therefore, hard to find by emergency services (e.g. Spanish, German, French, Polish, Russian).


    The primary name, plus its suffix and abbreviations, shall be limited in length:


    Public rights-of-way. Sixteen letters and spaces; seventeen, if the name has an "I" in it, for a standard length sign and standard letter height. Longer names may be allowed by permission of the Mohave County Sign Department.


    Private rights-of-way. The same as public roads when the road name sign is provided by the county. Where the sign is provided by someone other than the county, the sign may contain as many letters that will fit within the length of the road sign whose maximum length has been approved by the Mohave County Public Works Department, Road Sign Division.


    Offensive language shall not be used. Where interpretation of the road name is in question or its meaning may be suggestive or potentially offensive for any reason, it shall be rejected and another road name shall be chosen.


    Directional prefixes in primary names.


    Directional prefixes should not be used as a primary name, either in whole or in a compound form, except in special circumstances (e.g., North St., East Road).


    Derivative forms of directional prefixes are permissible (e.g., Northern Ave, Southern Star Lane).


    A primary road name may be duplicated for a cul-de-sac street which is shorter than 150 feet, or a knuckle street with five (5) lots or less, as long as it has:


    The same primary name as the road it intersects perpendicularly, and includes the suffix of Place, Court, Bay, Hollow or Way, etc.


    Cul-de-sacs 150 feet or longer and knuckles with six (6) or more lots shall have unique names.


    Abbreviations and slang terms shall not be used.


    All east-west roads on section or mid-section lines shall use the suffixes of Street or Drive. Exceptions: Through road area connectors, such as highways, boulevards, thoroughfares and major arterials, and state or federal roads.


    All north-south roads on section or mid-section lines shall use the suffixes of Road or Avenue. Exceptions: As noted in m, above.


    Fractional address numbers shall not be used (e.g., 22½ Smith Street).


    No primary road name shall be duplicated in another Address System, if possible.


    Suffix Identifier. The following suffixes shall be restricted, where practical, to specific road directions or configurations. Foreign equivalent prefixes and suffixes shall be approved on an individual basis by the Addressing Technician.


    Avenue: Generally, a road with a north-south direction; specifically, a section or half-section road running in a north-south direction.


    Beltway: An arterial or highway encircling a large area, usually a city, with limited access.


    Boulevard: A major thoroughfare, usually with four or more lanes and having islands in the middle with turn lanes, and with a minimum length of one mile and limited access.


    Circle: An oval-shaped road having one intersection with a primary road and not accessing or intersecting another road.


    Drive: Specifically, an east-west section or mid-section line road, and generally a residential through road.


    Highway or Expressway: A major thoroughfare, usually limited to federal, state, and county designated roads.


    Interstate: A name limited to a federally designated highway.


    Loop: A horseshoe-shaped road having two distinct intersections with the same primary road.


    Parkway: A sometimes meandering road or arterial, usually a major thoroughfare collecting traffic from local and collector roads, and extending for a mile or more.


    Place, Court, Hollow, Way, Bay, Lane, Trail: Usually restricted to residential cul-de-sacs, small knuckles or streets less than 800 feet long.


    Road: Generally, at least a collector or higher classification road running in a north-south direction, specifically for section and half-section roads running in a north-south direction.


    Route: Ordinarily, an arterial or higher classification road.


    Street: Generally, a road with an east-west direction; specifically, for section and half-section roads with an east-west direction.


    Criteria and configurations for road alignment.


    Alignment. A road shall be considered aligned and will have one name if:


    The road is designated a major road, route or arterial; or,


    The road connects with, or has reasonable potential of connecting with, an existing road or an extension of the original line of an existing road; or,


    The road predominantly follows a section line, quarter-section line, or sixteenth-section line.


    Offset alignments.


    Section and mid-section line roads with less than a 330-foot centerline to centerline offset shall be considered aligned for road naming and addressing purposes, except for existing configurations.


    Other roads with less than a 150-foot centerline to centerline offset shall be considered aligned for road naming and addressing purposes, except for existing configurations and problems of terrain.


    Roads of any classification with unusual or questionable alignments shall be approved on a case-by-case basis by the Public Works Department.


    Multiple road offsets deviating from the original alignment without returning to the original alignment shall not be considered aligned and shall comply with other provisions of these standards.


    Circle streets. Shall require a different primary name than the road with which it aligns and shall require two names when required addresses exceed available numbers within the grid.


    A "T" cul-de-sac. One which has an initial road segment perpendicular to the intersected road and the remaining segments parallel with the intersected road. One primary name may be used if the perpendicular road segment is less than 100 feet. A different name than that of the cul-de-sac shall be used for the perpendicular road segment exceeding 100 feet in length.


    Loop street. Shall have a unique name and shall not assume the name of any aligned road, and shall only occur on one side of the intersected road.


    Major arterial alignment and realignment.


    For name continuity along the entire length of a major arterial which deviates from its original alignment and connects with another road alignment, the arterial may retain one name as approved by the Addressing Official.


    The Addressing Official may require existing road alignments and established road names to be changed to facilitate the establishment of one road name involving a newly constructed major arterial that deviates from its primary alignment among the established road alignments.


    Frontage (service) roads. A frontage road parallels an interstate highway, freeway, or other major arterial, and provides access to property isolated by access controls from the freeway or arterial.


    A frontage road may assume the name of the freeway or through road it services, along with a suffix, or it may have a unique name.


    Situs (Main Address) Numbering Assignment.


    All recorded lots and parcels of land, subdivided or unsubdivided, and all proposed or built structures shall have an address assigned at the time of application for a building permit.


    An address for a lot or parcel without frontage on a named road or easement may be assigned an administrative address as provided in this Section.


    An address for a lot or parcel fronting on a named road or easement shall be assigned based upon primary physical access from a named road and not documented access, if defined differently. Frontage may not be required if recorded documented access is less than 300 feet to a named road.


    General assignment requirements.


    The Addressing Official shall assign official addresses upon compliance with subsection F.1 (to follow) and:


    Final plat recordation; or


    Approval of a development plan and the submittal of building details (floor plans), as required; or


    Submittal of an approved site plan and building details (floor plans), as required; or


    A request by an individual, subject to compliance with these standards or subject to the development of a structure.


    In the case of conflict regarding the proper address, the Addressing Official or authorized representative shall make the final determination.


    Requests to name new roadways in new subdivisions or other developments shall occur at the time of the submittal of the subdivision preliminary plans or parcel plats or other county-approved, recorded development plans. When new road names are created, the road naming shall not become effective until plat recordation following approval of the Addressing Official.


    An address shall not be issued to a lot, parcel, or structure until the following documents have been submitted:


    For already-subdivided property.


    The Assessor's parcel number, or sufficient legal description.


    Subdivision name, block number and lot number.


    If a corner lot, a building footprint (plot plan) locating structures and frontage.


    If multiple buildings or tenants, an approved site plan.


    Unsubdivided parcels.


    Assessor's parcel number or tax statement and copy of assessor's map of the property.


    A county approved site plan showing the ingress and egress from the closest public access road and/or a building or septic permit.


    Projects requiring subdivision design or site plan review, including condominiums and multiple tenant buildings.


    For a building address. A site plan stamped and signed by a registered engineer and approved by the county; additional copies of a site plan may be required for multiple-story projects.


    For an administrative address. The name of the development and site, or tract number assigned to a subdivision under review.


    Projects not requiring subdivision design or site plan review — single building or tenant.


    The Assessor's parcel number for the parcel or lot.


    An appropriate legal description or a title report issued within the last ninety (90) days.


    A copy of the lot or plot plan with a septic or building permit.


    If a structure is being added to an existing multi-building site, an approved copy of a site plan for the total site shall be required, with all buildings and addresses currently displayed at the site, appropriately labeled.


    Projects not requiring subdivision design — multi-tenant or multi-buildings.


    The Assessor's parcel number for the parcel or lot.


    An appropriate legal description or a title report issued within the last ninety (90) days.


    A copy of an approved site plan. Initially, only an administrative address shall be issued.


    Upon final approval of the site plan.


    A copy of an approved and signed site plan; additional copies of the site plan may be required for multiple-story projects.


    Copies of the maximum tenant space layout, if known, for each building, including the floor or space assigned.


    Tenant improvements; new buildings or existing buildings having an approved development plan or site plan on file with the planning division.


    Address of building.


    Site plan showing tenant improvements.


    Development name and case number.


    Tenant improvements; existing buildings not having an approved development plan or site plan on file with the planning division.


    Descriptive site plan showing all existing structures and addresses as displayed on the site and tenant improvements dimensionally tied to the building shell.


    Development name.


    Assessor's parcel number.


    Appropriate legal description.


    Type and quality of required documents. All map documents required shall be photo Mylar or other acceptable reproducible, unless otherwise specified. Documents required shall be of sufficient image quality and density to make legible prints and to produce smaller images.


    Criteria for address numbering.


    Even or odd number location along a road. All roads will be determined to have either a north-south direction or east-west direction for addressing purposes. Heading north on a road, all lots, parcels, buildings, and tenants on the right (east) side of the road shall have even numbers and the left (west) side, odd numbers. Heading east on a road, all lots, parcels, buildings and tenants on the right (south) side of a road, shall have even numbers and the left (north) side, odd numbers. Heading west, odd numbers will be on the right and even numbers on the left. Heading south odd numbers will be on the right and even numbers on the left.


    Address determination.


    One odd or even number ascending from the baseline is available approximately every twenty-one (21) linear feet of distance from the baseline, depending on location either side of the access, terrain or other determinant. These numbers increase until the limit is reached at the county line; until the boundary line of any address system grid is reached; or it reaches ungridded territory.


    Address numbers shall be determined by primary property entrance (access) from a named road and mean property road frontage, and may include building location or orientation.


    Property entrances mean property frontages, or building locations which are directly across the street from one another, shall generally be one unit apart in the ascending numerical value of the address number (e.g., 1234 would be across from 1235).


    With the exception of multi-tenant commercial buildings, one address shall be assigned to each property representing a legal entity; that is, there shall be one address for each legal description and deed. However, multiple road access points to multiple structures may require multiple addresses.


    Corner lots.


    The address shall be assigned to the primary access (entrance) road.


    Corner lot access points on subdivision plats shall be indicated.


    Corner lots shall have only one primary address.


    Building orientation, ingress and egress. If buildings will occupy all or a major portion of a lot, the structure orientation and the primary ingress and egress of the building shall determine the property address. The primary entrance used by the public shall be considered the primary entrance; secondary doors, such as employee entrances, back or side doors, or delivery doors, shall not be considered a primary access point for numbering.


    The order of address determination shall be:


    Vehicular access for multiple parking; building orientation and site layout may be considered.


    Vehicular street frontage parking, if there is no on-site parking or drop-off point.


    Primary pedestrian site access.


    Structure orientation and general public building ingress and egress.


    Circle street. The address shall be assigned in a counterclockwise direction beginning at the intersection. Number availability within a Numbering Line shall determine if multiple names are required.


    Loop road. The address shall be assigned based on the overall direction of the road layout in relation to the intersected road.


    Directional prefix. At the time the address is assigned, the road shall have a directional prefix assigned to facilitate address numbering.


    Number restrictions. A fractional unit of a number or occupant identifier, or alphabetic letters with a number or occupant identifier, or any combination thereof, shall not be used. (Examples: 101½ E. State Street; or 101 E. State Street, Unit 100½; or 101A E. State Street.)


    Duty to Produce and Display Numbers.


    It shall be the duty of the owner of any house or other building now existing, or which shall be erected, or shall become located upon any parcel in the county, to produce the correct number(s) assigned by the Addressing Official for any structure requiring an address under these requirements, including commercial tenant spaces, and to immediately display the address number(s) assigned. No permit required by the county shall be issued for any structure requiring an address as so defined herein until the owner has procured from the Addressing Official or their designate the proper address(es) assigned to the premises.


    Temporary address signs may be located prior to and used during any construction, and those shall be displayed in a location clearly visible from the road. Any construction inspection may be withheld or rejected until temporary address signs are displayed, and final approval of any house or other building relocated, erected, repaired, altered, or modified within the county may be withheld until the address number(s) assigned to the premises have been permanently displayed pursuant to the provisions contained herein. On-site inspections by the Addressing staff of permanent address numbers may be performed prior to finalization on all single and multi-tenant commercial developments or fractions thereof.


    Mohave County will not be responsible for the physical display of addresses. Failure to display an address according to these regulations by a property owner means the property owner assumes full risk and responsibility for such failure.


    The physical address number dimensions, composition and correct procedure for display are to be found in Articles 11 through 16 of the Mohave County Addressing Policies.


    Mohave County Addressing and Road Naming Policies.

    The Mohave County Addressing and Road Naming Policies and the addressing sample diagrams describe the process for the technical assignment of addresses and road names to all relevant structures, lots, or parcels in the unincorporated areas of the county. The procedures describe the method for physical addressing-numbering grid sequences for all Addressing Grids in Mohave County. These Standards are instructions to provide and maintain a county-wide standardized method for the assignment of addresses and road names for all roads and structures in the county 911 emergency response system, and to implement the Mohave County Addressing and Road Naming ordinance. The Mohave County Addressing and Road Naming Policies, as amended, exist as addressing policy by reference herein, and may be amended from time to time by the Addressing Official as necessary to ensure 911 emergency response compliance, provide technical corrections, and incorporate amended and/or new 911 emergency procedures as adopted by emergency service providers and federal or state law. NOTE: Mohave County's policies and technical standards for addressing and road naming are separate from this ordinance, administered by the Addressing Official in support of the ordinance requirements.