Mohave County |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 4. ANIMALS |
Article I. IN GENERAL |
§ 4-1. Definitions.
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Animal means any animal of a species that is susceptible to rabies; dogs, cats, except man.
At large means being neither confined by an enclosure, physically restrained by a leash, nor under voice control within 100 feet of a competent person when off the premises occupied by the owner.
County enforcement agent means that person who is responsible for the enforcement of this chapter and the regulations promulgated thereunder.
County shelter means any establishment authorized by the county board of supervisors for the confinement, maintenance, safekeeping and control of dogs and other animals that come into custody of the county enforcement agent in the performance of his official duties.
Impound means that act of taking or receiving into custody by the county enforcement agent or his deputies any animal for the purpose of confinement in accordance with the provision of this chapter.
Kennel means an enclosed, controlled area, inaccessible to other animals, in which a person keeps, harbors or maintains five or more dogs under controlled conditions.
Livestock means neat animals; horses, sheep, goats, swine, mules and asses.
Owner, for the purpose of this chapter only, means any person having a right of property or custody of an animal other than livestock, or who keeps, harbors or knowingly permits the animals on or about any premises occupied by that person, for more than six consecutive days.
Rabies quarantine area means any area in which a state of emergency has been declared to exist due to the occurrence of rabies in animals in, or adjacent to, this area.
Stray dog means any animal four month of age or older running at large, whether that animal is wearing a valid license tag or not.
Vaccination means the administration of an anti-rabies vaccine to animals by a veterinarian.
Veterinarian means any veterinarian license to practice in the state or any veterinarian employed in the state by a government agency unless otherwise indicated.
Veterinary hospital means any establishment operated by a veterinarian licensed to practice in the state that provides clinical facilities and houses animals or birds for dental, medical or surgical treatment. A veterinary hospital may have adjacent to it or in conjunction with it or as integral part of it, pens, stalls, cages or kennels for quarantine, observation or boarding.
Vicious animal means any animal of the order carnivora that has a propensity to attack, to cause injury to or to otherwise endanger the safety of human beings without provocation, and has been so declared after a hearing before a justice of the peace or a city magistrate.
( Ord. No. 1994-01 , art. I, § I, 11-15-1994)
State law reference
Definitions, A.R.S. § 11-1001.