§ 30-367. Lots.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Arrangement. All lot areas, widths, depths, shapes, and orientations shall be appropriate for the location of the subdivision, for the type of development and use contemplated, and shall conform to the requirements of these regulations.


    Access. All subdivision lots and parcels shall have legal access, as defined by Arizona Revised Statutes.


    Lot sizes. The minimum lot size shall be governed by the zoning ordinances and applicable state laws, except that where on-site sewage disposal is proposed, larger lots may be required by the county environmental health division on the basis of topography and site investigations per state department of environmental quality rules or standards.


    Street frontage. All proposed residential subdivision lots shall have a minimum 25-foot frontage abutting on a public or private street.


    Lot lines. Front lot lines should be as straight as possible. Side lot lines shall be perpendicular to front lot lines, or as close as is practical. All lot lines should be straight, unless otherwise dictated by terrain or another justifiable physical or design reason. Well-designed projects with some curvilinear roads, or cul-de-sacs are not prohibited by these regulations, but the use of those design elements must meet with the approval of the county engineer, and minimize the need for exceptions from standards necessary due to those designs.


    Suitability. Each lot shall contain a usable, free from a 100-year storm event, building site or area, and be suitable for the purpose for which it is intended.


    Parcel remnants. Parcel remnants which fail to meet the minimum lot size requirements for the applicable zoning district shall not be allowed to remain after subdividing. These remnants shall be added to other lots or parcels in the subdivision; be deeded to adjoining property; or be designated as parcels for public or private use. They will not be maintained by the county.


    Lot numbering.


    If block designation letters are not used, subdivision lot numbering shall begin with the number "1" and all lots in the subdivision shall be numbered sequentially until all lots have been assigned a number. Lot numbering may start over with each phase of a subdivision, if blocks are not lettered; however, in these instances the developer should attempt to have the subdivision designed so that blocks are not divided over phase lines, whenever possible.


    When block designations are used, numbering shall be in consecutive sequence within each block area commencing with the number "1" for each different block.


    Numbering sequences may follow in continuity from one tract to another when lying contiguous to one another; or when separate or contiguous, if the same name is used for successive tracts.


    Parcels shall be designated by capital letters and be designated in sequence within a tract starting with the letter "A."


    Lot numbers shall be consecutive along the street line for each block.


    Lot width and depth.


    Lot depth shall mean the horizontal length of a straight line connecting the bisecting points of the front and rear lot lines. For lots with more than four sides, the sides contiguous to the front lot line shall be the side lot lines, and a line connecting the centers of the remaining lot lines shall be used to measure lot depth.


    Each lot shall have a minimum width at the front lot line of 25 feet for residential lots, 30 feet for commercial lots, and 40 feet for industrial lots, measured in a straight line between the front yard lot corners, or as required by the zoning ordinance. No lot shall be less than 80 feet in depth for residential lots or as allowed by the zoning ordinance, and 100 feet for commercial-industrial purposes.


    No lot shall be designed with a depth to width ratio greater than three to one for the usable area; except for lots located on a knuckle or the end of a cul-de-sac, which may have a four to one ratio.


    Corner lots. All corner lots in subdivisions with lots whose average lot size is less than 10,000 square feet shall be sufficiently wide to allow a side yard building setback of at least ten feet from the roadway side of the lot and provide adequate site distance.

( Ord. No. 2001-01 , § 5.2(O), 2-20-2001; Ord. No. 2004-04 , § 5.2(O), 12-6-2004; Ord. No. 2010-06 , § 5.2(O), 4-5-2010)