Mohave County |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 30-359. Roadways.
The arrangement, character, extent, grade, width, and location of all roadways shall conform to these regulations, the general plan, any adopted area plans, other county-adopted standards, and any preliminary plats approved by the commission, pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes.
The arrangement of roadways shall provide continuation of appropriate projections of existing roadways in surrounding areas. All roadway alignments shall be a continuation of the alignments of existing roadways in adjoining property. In cases where straight continuations are not physically possible, such alignments may be continued by curves.
Roadways, whenever possible, will be arranged in relation to existing topography to produce desirable lots of maximum utility; roads and alleys of reasonable gradient; and to facilitate adequate drainage that will compliment natural drainage and not impede it. Residential or local roads shall be so designed as to discourage through traffic.
Each subdivision design shall provide for adequate traffic circulation that incorporates the adopted roadway functional classification system, to handle the projected traffic volumes on the roads.
Subdivisions containing any lot less than one acre shall have, as a minimum, one collector-classified roadway for each 80 acres (as well as for any portion of the first 80 acres that a traffic impact analysis or the county engineer find warrants a collector) that are subdivided, and one arterial classified road for each 320 (as well as for any portion of the first 320 acres that a traffic impact analysis or the county engineer find warrants an arterial) acres that are subdivided within or adjacent to the subdivision. For subdivisions with all lots greater than one acre, the acreage shall be 160 acres or 640 acres, respectively, for collectors and arterials. Collector-classified roadways shall be provided along all center section lines and arterial-classified roadways shall be provided along all section lines, unless alternate alignments are otherwise approved. These possible alternate roadway locations may be used, with the approval of the county engineer, to work around significant terrain constraints, or in conjunction with curvilinear subdivision designs meeting other provisions of this chapter.
Adequate drainage of the subdivision public rights-of-way shall be provided by means of structures, culverts, or by other approved means, in accordance with these regulations. When the road right-of-way is to be used as a channel to convey storm runoff, the following shall apply:
Improvements shall meet policies and standards set forth in the drainage design manual for the county.
Adequate provisions shall be made in the design of subdivisions for access to each lot and parcel, and for access to adjoining properties.
Full-width rights-of-way shall be provided for all interior and exterior roadways and access roads from the subdivision boundary, to the nearest county- or city-maintained roadway and in accordance with county standards for that classification of roadway. If matching right-of-way is not available for interior or exterior streets, roadways shall be designed so that full-width rights-of-way will be provided by the developer on property owned or under their control.
All roadways shall be improved to the minimum widths shown on Mohave County Standard Details No. 60 Series, and to the base course thickness as determined through laboratory tests and standard details or approved equal, or better. Pavement structural design shall be performed in accordance with the county pavement structural design standards.
Provisions shall be made for existing railroad and other public or private utility crossings necessary to provide access to, or circulation within, the proposed subdivision. The developer will obtain all necessary permits from the public or private utilities involved and any regulatory agencies having jurisdiction. The cost of development and maintenance of such crossings shall not be assured with the county, but shall be by and between the developer and the affected utility or agency.
In all cases where a proposed subdivision abuts or contains an existing or proposed arterial-classified roadway, or where a residential development abuts or contains a collector-classified roadway, the developer shall provide non-access easements along these roadways, or such other treatments as may be justified, for protection of these properties from the nuisance and hazard of high volume traffic, and to preserve the traffic function of the thoroughfare route. In addition, a non-access easement shall be required along all federal and state highways, with limited entrances to the main roadway in order to minimize the intersections on the roadway and help maintain the through traffic flow. Subdivisions contained within or adjacent to a road that is part of the county roadway system shall provide an alignment consistent with the roadway system and shall have a right-of-way width appropriate to its classification.
( Ord. No. 2001-01 , § 5.2(G), 2-20-2001; Ord. No. 2004-04 , § 5.2(G), 12-6-2004; Ord. No. 2010-06 , § 5.2(G), 4-5-2010)