§ 30-354. Site analysis.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Development of the site shall be based on the site analysis. To the maximum extent practical, subdivision design, lot layout, public and private improvements, and proposed development in general shall be located to preserve the natural features of the site, to avoid degradation of areas of environmental sensitivity and to minimize negative impacts to and alteration of natural features.


    Be aware the planning and zoning commission may not recommend approval of the division of land as submitted if, from investigation, it has determined that said land is not reasonably suitable for the kind of development proposed. Factors would include, but are not limited to, flooding, fire hazards, erosion, bad drainage, terrain, inadequate infrastructure, or design features likely to be harmful to the health, safety, and welfare and convenience of future residents, unless corrections acceptable to the commission and the board of supervisors, as recommended by the county engineer, are submitted by the developer.

( Ord. No. 2001-01 , § 5.2(B), 2-20-2001; Ord. No. 2004-04 , § 5.2(B), 12-6-2004; Ord. No. 2010-06 , § 5.2(B), 4-5-2010)