§ 30-206. Subsequent platting of subdivision lots.  

Latest version.
  • Upon the recordation of the base commercial/industrial subdivision final plat, a developer may submit a lot plat, according to requirements of the final plat, to the director, showing one or more lots per lot plat, for those lots being created out of the undivided portion of the original subdivision plat. The proposed lot plat shall include the following:


    The lot plat shall conform to the requirements for parcel plats, as defined by article VI of this chapter.


    The lot plat shall show the overall original subdivision boundary, and the lot plat location within that boundary, and the proximity to previously recorded lot plats within 300 feet (if any) in the same subdivision.


    Number the lots being created in a logical and uniform manner, and reference to record the name, tract number, legal description, and recording information of the original subdivision final plat.


    The lot plat shall be accompanied by a site plan (as defined by section 27.P of the county zoning ordinance) for each lot being platted on the lot plat, for which it shall be reviewed by the same agencies and per the same procedures as for regular site plans and parcel plats.


    The lot plat will not require the consideration of the planning and zoning commission or the board of supervisors, and shall be processed administratively by the director, or their designee.


    If and when the lot plat meets the requirements necessary for approval, the lot plat will be recorded in the same manner as for parcel plats.


    Separate and additional dedications, grantings, and assurances, if required or proposed, shall be processed for public acceptance through established procedures, and the lot plat shall be recorded and referenced to record upon the original subdivision final plat or upon individual lot plats.

( Ord. No. 2001-01 , § 3.15(E), 2-20-2001; Ord. No. 2004-04 , § 3.15(E), 12-6-2004; Ord. No. 2007-11 , § 3.15(E), 12-3-2007; Ord. No. 2010-06 , § 3.10(E), 4-5-2010)