Mohave County |
Code of Ordinances |
Division 4. FINAL PLAT |
§ 30-141. Form.
The final plat shall contain the following information. The information required as part of the plat submittal will be shown graphically, or provided by notes on the plat.
Plat data shall be drawn to an engineering scale of not smaller than one inch equals 200 feet; or at other scales approved by the county engineer in compliance with state law. If the final plat is comprised of more than one sheet, all sheets shall be at the same scale, with match lines indicated on each sheet. A key map, indexing the match line sheets and showing the relation of each sheet, shall be included. In addition to the paper copy, digital files shall be submitted in a form acceptable to the county.
Each page of the plat shall measure 24 inches by 36 inches, with one-inch margins along the top, right, and bottoms of the plat, and a margin of two inches along the left of the plat.
A vicinity map (see definitions). The vicinity map shall include a north arrow and shall appear on the face of the plat.
Prior to scheduling before the board of supervisors, the final plat shall be submitted on a transparent, durable, reproducible medium acceptable for recording. All written matter, including signatures, shall be opaque so that legible copies may be obtained from the reproducible material.
The plat shall comply with the Arizona Revised Statutes, the Manual of Surveying Instruction for Public Lands of the United States, and the county standard specifications and details.
The final plat reproducible medium shall not include attachments nor any form of pasted-on information, and shall not include revision dates.
All sheets of the final plat shall bear the name of the subdivision (but need not bear the subtitle) and must include:
North arrow.
Date of plat preparation (on cover sheet).
Sheet number and number of sheets comprising the plat.
The basis of bearing (on title or cover sheet).
All information that affects or is pertinent to a given lot or parcel shall be depicted on the same page of a final plat. This requirement does not, however, limit the number of pages that may comprise the final plat.
The title of each plat shall consist of the subdivision name and tract number, placed at the top of each sheet. Below the title on the first sheet shall appear a subtitle consisting of a general description of all the property being subdivided by reference to sections, township, and range; government lots or aliquot portion of a section; or by reference to subdivision plats previously recorded in the office of the county recorder, or other official plats.
The location and description of section or quarter-section corners, either found or set, and ties to such corners; all dimensions, angles, bearings, and similar data on the plat shall be referred to, indicated, and referenced. Other found monuments shall also be shown, identified and referenced or, if no reference to a found monument, an indication on the plat relative to its acceptance by the surveyor should be shown.
Boundaries of the property being subdivided shall be shown on the plat with a dark heavy line that clearly identifies the boundary, and shall be fully balanced and closed, depicting all the bearings and distances determined by an accurate survey in the field. Corners of the subdivision shall be noted, monuments found or set shall be indicated and described. Two corners to the subdivision traverse shall be tied by course and distance to separate section corners or quarter-section corners.
The presentation of the final plat shall be neat, clear, legible, and complete in all respects and shall be sufficiently detailed to include, but shall not be limited to, the following:
Tract boundary lines, lot and parcel lines, blocks, easement lines and boundaries, street centerlines, right-of-way lines, and section lines shall be clearly shown and dimensioned with bearings, distances, and curve data as applicable. Bearings shall be shown in degrees, minutes and seconds and include the applicable compass quadrant, with distances expressed in feet and decimals thereof, to the hundredth, and curve data shall include at least two of the following elements: central angle, radius, length of curve, chord length, and tangent distance.
Street rights-of-way and easement widths shall be shown along with all other dimensions needed to fully describe each, including bearing and distances, and curve data. The name of each street shall be labeled and the use of each easement noted.
Location and description of existing, found, and set monuments, such as section corners and subdivision boundary corners, existing rights-of-way, and easements, if any, shall be noted. Easements shall be clearly dimensioned, labeled, and identified, and if already of record, properly referenced to the record. If any easement or right-of-way is not definitely traced to record, the title sheet shall include a statement indicating that no record reference was found for that easement or right-of-way. Elevation bench marks are required for condominium projects.
Contiguous development, showing the name, tract number, and reference to record, street lines, street names, and street width.
Contiguous existing easements, clearly dimensioned, labeled, identified, and referenced to record.
Any existing lot, parcel, right-of-way or easement located within the property being subdivided that are to be incorporated into or are being used in conjunction with the design of the subdivision, shall be depicted on the plat and referenced to record.
Type of monuments found and set shall be described in the legend.
Any excepted parcels within the subdivision boundary must be depicted by bearings and distances on the plat, and be labeled as "not a part" of the subdivision.
Each lot and block shall be numbered or lettered in sequential order.
All proposed streets shall bear a county approved name on the plat.
All property within the subdivision not designated as a lot or right-of-way shall be considered a parcel, and shall be lettered in sequential order.
All lots and parcels offered to the public for dedication for any purpose, and any private streets or common areas must be so designated on the plat.
If any portion of any land within the boundaries shown on a subdivision final plat is subject to overflow, inundation, or flood hazard by stormwater, such fact and said portion shall be clearly shown and bounded on each sheet of said plat.
The plat shall also show other data that is required by law.
The plat shall include the following certifications, acknowledgments, dedications, grantings, ratifications, acceptances, and all other statements required by these regulations. Such certificates and statements may be combined when appropriate. Minor variations of wording and form, specific to a given proposal, may be allowed or required as appropriate, if approved by the director for any of the certifications or statements required on the final plat.
A certificate for signature by the county environmental health division, county engineer, and county development services director, as follows:
This plat has been checked for conformance to the approved preliminary plat and any special conditions attached thereto, to the requirements of the Mohave County Land Division Regulations, and to any other applicable regulations, and appears to comply with all requirements within my jurisdiction to check and evaluate.
By _____
Mohave County
Department of
Public HealthDate ____________ By _____
Mohave County
EngineerDate ____________ By _____
Mohave County
DirectorDate ____________ b.
A certificate signed by the owner(s) of the property being subdivided, or the property owner's agent with appropriate power of attorney, followed by a notary acknowledgment, offering dedication to the public of all parcels intended for public use, and expressing the property owner's approval for the recordation of the subdivision being platted, their consent to the creation of the elements within the subdivision, and the terms ascribed to the plat, as follows:
State of Arizona ) )ss County of Mohave ) Know all men by these presents, that ____________ , owner of the above-described property, has subdivided under the name of ____________ , Tract ____________ , the above-described property, as shown and platted hereon, and hereby publishes this plat as the plat of said ____________ , Tract ____________ , and hereby declares that said plat sets forth the location and gives the dimensions of the lots, parcels, blocks, and road names constituting same, and that each lot, parcel, block, and road shall be known by the number, letter or name given each respectively on said plat, and hereby dedicates to the public, for its use as such, the roads, and Parcels ____________ , shown on said plat and included in the above-described premises. Easements are hereby granted to the public for the purposes shown on the plat. I/we ____________ the owner(s) of this property, hereby certify that I/we am/are the only person(s) whose consent is necessary to pass, through the dedication of rights-of-way shown hereon, clear title of said land to Mohave County, on behalf of the public, and to grant the easements shown hereon.
A certificate(s) of ratification signed by all parties having any record or other title interest in the land being subdivided, other than the signer of the dedication statement, followed by notary acknowledgments for each party ratifying the plat, consenting to the creation of the elements within the subdivision, the terms ascribed to the plat, and to the dedication and granting of all parcels, rights-of-way, and easements intended for public use, as follows:
Ratification and Consent
I (we) ____________ , the undersigned, as parties having record or other title interest in the above-described property, or being a lienholder on the property, do hereby ratify this final plat, and consent to the dedication of rights-of-way and other public parcels, and the granting of easements for use by the public.
A certificate for execution by the land surveyor, as follows:
Surveyor's Certificate
This is to certify that the boundary survey and monumentation of the above-described subdivision was made under my direction and supervision and is accurately represented on this plat.
DateSignature, date, State of Arizona registration number, and seal.
A certificate for execution by the project engineer, as follows:
Engineer's Certificate
This is to certify that the engineering and design of the above-described subdivision was made under my direction and supervision and is accurately represented on this plat.
DateSignature, date, State of Arizona registration number, and seal.
A certificate may be used in place of both the surveyor's certificate and the engineer's certificate, as required by subsections (14)d and e of this section, for those registrants certified in the state as both a surveyor and an engineer and who serve in both capacities in the preparation of a final plat, as follows:
Surveyor's and Engineer's Certificate
This is to certify that the boundary survey and monumentation, and the engineering and design of the above-described subdivision was made under my direction and supervision and is accurately represented on this plat.
DateSignature, date, State of Arizona R.L.S. registration number, State of Arizona P.E. registration number, and seal.
A certificate to be signed by the clerk of the board of supervisors, as follows:
County Clerk Certificate
I, ____________ , Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Mohave County, hereby certify that said Board approved the within plat on the ____________ day of ____________ , ____________ , and accepted on behalf of the public all parcels of land offered for dedication and granted for public use in conformity with the terms of the offer of the dedication.
Clerk of the Board_____
DateNotary Acknowledgment
State of Arizona ) )ss County of Mohave ) On this ____________ day of ____________ , ____________ , before me the undersigned officer personally appeared ____________ , and acknowledged him/her/self to be the ____________ , and that they being authorized to do so, certified the foregoing plat for recording purposes by signing the plat.
Witness my hand and official seal.
Notary PublicMy commission expires ____________ / ____________ / ____________
A certificate to be signed by the chairman of the board of supervisors, as follows:
Satisfactory assurance in the form of ____________ / ____________ / ____________ , from ____________ , has been provided in the full amount necessary to guarantee completion of ____________ , and all other improvements for the above-described subdivision.
Chairman, Mohave
County Board of
DateAttest: _____
Clerk of
the BoardDate: _____ i.
A certificate to be signed and sealed by the county recorder, as follows:
This subdivision final plat was filed and recorded at the request of ____________ , owner of the above-described property, on the ____________ day of ____________ , ____________ , at reception number ____________ .
Deputy County
County Recorder_____
A certificate to be signed and sealed by a notary public, acknowledging the signatures of the parties signing the dedication statement and the ratification and consent statement(s), as follows:
Notary Acknowledgment
State of Arizona ) )ss County of Mohave ) On this ____________ day of ____________ , ____________ , before me the undersigned officer personally appeared ____________ , and acknowledged him/her/self to be the ____________ , and that he being authorized to do so, executed the foregoing plat for the purposes therein contained, by signing the plat.
Witness my hand and official seal.
Notary PublicMy commission expires ____________ / ____________ / ____________
The director shall have the discretion to allow the use of ratifications separate from the final plat under the following circumstances:
Only secondary title holders, lien holders, mortgage holders, or other interest holders, as determined by the title report submitted with the final plat, may sign separate statements of ratification for a final plat. Primary property owners, developers, or their authorized agents must sign the final plat.
When a separate ratification statement is proposed, the ratification document shall be submitted with the final plat to the director for review. Upon approval of a ratification statement by the director, the applicant shall have the ratification document recorded with the county recorder, prior to the recordation of the final plat. The recording information of the ratification statement shall be included on the final plat prior to or with the recordation of the final plat.
( Ord. No. 2001-01 , § 3.11(D), 2-20-2001; Ord. No. 2004-04 , § 3.11(D), 12-6-2004; Ord. No. 2010-06 , § 3.8(D), 4-5-2010)