§ 30-107. Format.  

Latest version.
  • The information on the preliminary plat will be shown graphically or provided by notes on the plat. The plat may comprise several sheets showing various elements of required data. The preliminary plat shall contain the following information:


    Plat data shall be clearly and legibly drawn to a standard engineering scale not smaller than one inch equals 200 feet.


    Each plat sheet shall measure at least 24 inches by 36 inches, but no larger than 36 inches by 36 inches.


    A vicinity map shall clearly indicates the project location and its proximity to cities, highways, major roads and adjacent development and is legibly drawn.


    The preliminary plat shall contain the following information:


    Each sheet shall have a title block with the title "Preliminary Plat," the name of the development, and the tract number.


    A legal description of the site, which includes township, range, and section, and portion thereof.


    The name, address, e-mail address, and telephone number of the applicant/owner; the name, address, e-mail address, and telephone of the project engineer/surveyor for the plat, their seals and registration numbers; a block for page and revision numbers; and north arrow and scale and match lines.


    Project engineer/surveyor notes; a legend showing all symbols and abbreviations used on the plat; narrative statements; datum and source; and a general information listing.


    Adjoining assessor's parcel numbers, and the current zoning designation.


    A topographical representation, using two-foot contour intervals for slopes of five percent or less, and five-foot contour intervals for slopes over five percent, to show all areas subject to flooding or overland flow. Include the width and locations of all watercourses flowing continuously, intermittently, or sporadically; include drainage arrows indicating general water flow within all watercourses and streets; include source datum based on USC and G.S.N.G.S., or other qualified source. Extreme terrain must be presented in a legible manner.


    Show existing conditions on the plat.


    Show or describe benchmark locations with reference datum. All monuments found or set will be described.


    Show plat boundary line bearings in degrees, minutes, and seconds, with basis for bearings noted or shown.


    Show existing easements with recordation information. Easements proposed for abandonment should be indicated. Indicate locations and widths of all alleys.


    Show any existing rights-of-way, parcels, and/or other dedications, and reference them to documents of record.


    Show conditions on adjacent land that significantly affects the design of the subdivision, such as other subdivisions, drainage channels and terrain.


    Show proposed information on the plat.


    Under general notes, identify the following:


    Service providers for water, sewer or septic, system or other, electric, gas (if any), telephone, and solid waste disposal.


    The fire district designation, if any.


    The floodplain designation.


    Total acreage of the site.


    Total number of lots, parcels, units or timeshare interests for the subdivision, and for each proposed phase.


    Average lot size, minimum lot size, densities proposed for each different use.


    The proposed land uses for the development for each different zoning designation.


    The provision for solid waste removal and location of community containment or collection areas, and distance to the nearest landfill.


    Assessor's parcel number for the property.


    Depict all proposed lot lines with dimensions.


    Number all lots and blocks by consecutive numbers within the subdivision boundary.


    Label all common areas and specified parcels individually, with a separate letter designation. Show the acreage and proposed uses for all designated parcels and their dimensions.


    Proposed streets and roads, including typical street/road sections, horizontal centerline and radius of curve dimensions; intersections and right-of-way return radii; proposed street names; right-of-way widths, drainage storage facilities and easements, proposed utility easements, and any other public or private easements.


    Include a typical building setback diagram.


    Show the entire subdivision and the proposed division of the tract into phases, if phasing is proposed, and the sequence of phase development. Include the overall acreage and acreage allotted to each different phase. The director may approve amendments to the phasing proposals and sequencing when each phase complies with these regulations as a separate distinct subdivision or in conjunction with other phases, unless otherwise stated in board approval.


    Show boundaries of special flood hazard areas as designated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency flood insurance rate map.


    Provide a narrative statement describing all on- and off-site improvements to be constructed.


    The use of the property being subdivided, densities proposed and the compatibility of the subdivision with the existing surrounding developments. This statement shall address the impact on neighborhood composition, traffic, roads, schools, infrastructure, and drainage. The statement shall also serve as a summary description of the proposal, including reference to the total number of acres, lots, different types of parcels, blocks, common areas, and a description of mixed uses in the proposed subdivision.


    A description of each on- and off-site utility or other service proposed for the subdivision. Identify the providers for each utility or service and indicate the distance to each existing usable service line from the closest point of the proposed subdivision, and the direction thereto.


    A description of all proposed improvements, such as interior/exterior/access streets/roads and rights-of-way, drainage channels and storage basins, and other devices, curbs and gutter locations, street light placement, types of view obscuring barriers and fences, street/road surfacing, street signage and markings, gateways, fountains, landscaping, community mailboxes, public or semi-public buildings, and all other on- and off-site improvements and/or facilities proposed for the subdivision.


    A discussion relating to the suitability of the site for the development proposed, according to the preliminary plat checklist. Include proposed densities, availability, location and type of water and water source, method of sewage disposal, solid waste disposal, and improvements to the site, physical limitations of the property, if any, slope and terrain, floodplain determination and obligation, permanent legal access and expected traffic generation.


    The method and timing of the commencement and the completion of all improvements. The narrative shall state whether the developer proposes to complete improvements prior to final plat recordation, or whether an assurance will be posted for the completion of improvements, or a combination thereof.

( Ord. No. 2001-01 , § 3.10(C), 2-20-2001; Ord. No. 2004-04 , § 3.10(C), 12-6-2004; Ord. No. 2010-06 , § 3.7(C), 4-5-2010)