Mohave County |
Code of Ordinances |
Article I. IN GENERAL |
§ 30-13. Definitions.
The definitions contained in this section are intended to define terms as they are used in this chapter. For terms not defined in this section, the reader is referred to the Mohave County Drainage Control Manual, A.R.S. § 32-2101, county standards and specifications, the county zoning ordinance and an English dictionary in common usage.
Abandonment means the process of vacating the ownership of a parcel of property or the right of occupation by the governing body as provided by law.
Access means the place, means, or ways by which pedestrians and vehicles shall have safe, adequate, and usable ingress/egress to a property or use. A private access is an access not in public ownership and created by means of a deed, dedication, or easement.
Access, road, means a roadway existing or proposed, that provides a permanent or primary means of ingress and egress from a subdivision or developed area to an established state, federal, or county roadway.
Accumulation means growth by continuous additions.
Acre means a measure of land area containing exactly 43,560 square feet.
ADA means the Americans with Disabilities Act; handicapped persons accessibility requirements.
Addressing/renumbering program means the physical addressing or re-addressing (numbering) and street naming of all parcels and access ways in the county according to an overlay grid and numbering grouping style as determined by the county addressing official.
Adjacent means properties that are near but do not share a common boundary line.
Adjoining means different described properties that share a common boundary line.
Alley means any roadway, at least 25 feet in width, for the use of pedestrians and/or of vehicles affording a secondary means of access to property; also, a dedicated public right-of-way primarily designed to serve as secondary access to the side or rear of those properties whose principal access is on another street.
Applicant means a person who requests the services provided by the department by filing an application with the department for such services.
Application means a form, document, or set of written instructions provided by the department to the applicant for use by the applicant in making the applicant's request for services to the department. The application authorizes the department to take official action with respect to the applicant's request, upon the filing of the application with the department. Application shall not include any oral or telephonic request for services, or any written request not made on a form or document provided by the department, or in accordance with a set of written instructions provided by the department.
Approval, final plat, means approval of a development plan by the board of supervisors and approved by a signed resolution or ordinance, as evidenced by signature of the chairman of the board of supervisors and clerk of the board authorizing recordation of the plat.
Approval, preliminary plat, means conditioned or unconditioned approval of a development plan by the board of supervisors, as evidenced in their resolutions and constituting authorization to proceed with final engineering plans and final plat preparation.
Area, open, means land area on which there is no structure erected; empty or vacant land.
Area plan means a guide for the future development of a specified community or area, usually determined by public input from the area's residents and property owners. Area plans shall become part of the general plan upon adoption by the county.
Arizona Revised Statutes means the laws of the state, as amended. Also referenced as "A.R.S."
Arterial means a road characteristic of high design speed and level of service and providing minimum interference to through movements.
Assurance means legally binding and enforceable instrument(s) securing development or some other action by the person(s) tendering the instrument.
Base flood elevation means water surface elevation of the base flood, that is, the flood level that has a one percent or greater chance of occurrence in any given year.
Block means part of a legal description encompassing a group of lots of undetermined number; or an addressing-renumbering grid length; or that property abutting one side of a street and lying between the two nearest intersecting streets or nearest intersecting street on subdivided land.
Board of supervisors (also referenced herein as "board") means the county board of supervisors.
Buildable area means that portion of the lot remaining after deducting all required roadway easements and setbacks from the gross area of the lot.
Buffer means a controlled area or zoning device separating two or more uses or structures, buildings, lots, areas, for the sake of noise or sight control, or separating unlike activities, zones, and land uses with landscaping, walls, and earthworks. Some buffers, such as rivers, washes, and mountains, are natural.
Clear title (marketable title) means a title which is free from encumbrances, obstruction, burden or limitations, and any reasonable doubt as to its validity; such a title as is free from reasonable doubt in law and in fact; not merely a title valid in fact, but one which readily can be sold or mortgaged to a reasonably prudent purchaser or mortgagee; one that is free from material defects, and free from litigation.
Collector (street) means a road characteristic of intermediate design speed and level of service and providing access between abutting property and arterials.
Common area means an area designated to serve two or more dwelling units or separate uses with convenient access to the area. Held in joint ownership, use and/or for maintenance by an entity other than the county.
Common element improvements means improvements, other than public improvements, such as streets, sewer lines, water lines, and drainage facilities that serve more than one lot within a subdivision and which are not maintained by the county.
Common wall means a shared wall between property owners.
Conditions, covenants, and restrictions means a set of recorded and written promises with a private right of enforcement binding property owners in a subdivision to certain requirements, design, and construction methods, conduct and use of their properties, and the ownership, use, upkeep, and perpetual maintenance of any commonly held parcels, facilities, structures, easements, or activities. These are enforced only by the property owners or property owners association of the development and not by the county.
Condominium (townhouse) means real estate, portions of which are designated for separate ownership and the remainder of which is designated for common or limited ownership solely by the owners of the separate portions. Real estate is not a condominium unless the undivided interests in the common elements are vested in the unit owner (A.R.S. § 33-1202).
Contiguous means that as defined according to A.R.S. § 32-2101.
Corner lot means a lot situated at the intersection of two or more existing or proposed streets.
County engineer (or their designee, who shall be a registered engineer in the state) means a registered engineer in the state appointed by the board of supervisors as county engineer, and who is the authority and supervisor for all issues involving engineering or registered engineers for the county, and who handles those matters for the board by assuming the responsibilities of county engineer as set forth in A.R.S. §§ 11-561, 11-562.
State Law reference— County engineer, A.R.S. § 11-561 et seq.
County road means a dedicated public right-of-way constructed to the county standards and accepted for maintenance by the county board of supervisors.
Court means a space, open and unobstructed to the sky, located at or above grade level on a lot and bounded on three or more sides by walls of a building.
Cul-de-sac means a local road open at one end only and providing a special turning area at the closed end.
Dedication means the conveyance of land by the owner to the county, for the use of the public, and accepted by the board of supervisors for such use by or on behalf of the public.
Deed means a conveyance of real property; a written instrument in recordable form that has been signed, notarized and delivered to the grantee or grantee's agent, by which one person or entity(ies) conveys land, tenements, or hereditaments to another.
Department means the development services department.
Developer means all legal or beneficial owner or owners of a lot or any land included in a proposed development, including a holder of an option or contract to purchase or other persons having enforceable, proprietary interests in such land.
Development means any activity related to changing or adding to the appearance of land, or changing its current use, which is subject to regulation by the county through its zoning and subdivision codes.
Director means the development services director. The director may delegate decisions to appropriate department employees.
Double frontage lot means, where a proposed subdivision adjoins a collector street or arterial, a lot that abuts both a collector (or arterial) and a parallel interior local street, usually by the front and rear yards.
Drainage easement means an easement granted by the owner to the public for the purpose of drainage.
Drainage report means a conceptual plan that establishes the drainage approach and system to be used for the entire development. The drainage report also establishes how and when the various drainage system components will be constructed.
Drainage report, final, means a final drainage plan component providing final documentation of the detailed drainage design shown on contract construction drawings for the development project.
Easement means the right to use the property of another for some specified purpose(s).
Emergency vehicle access road means an all-weather access road.
Encumbrance means any right to, or interest in, land which may subsist in another to diminution of its value but consistent with the passing of the fee. A claim, lien, charge, or liability attached to and binding real property (e.g., a mortgage; judgment lien; mechanics' lien; lease; security interest; easement or right-of-way; accrued and unpaid taxes).
Engineer of record. See Project engineer .
Engineering plans means drawings, profiles, cross sections, specifications, and other details of construction of an improvement, prepared in sufficient detail by a state registered engineer in compliance with county regulations.
Existing grade or elevation means the vertical natural height of the ground surface.
Existing use means the current use of a lot or structure.
Extension of time means a distinct period authorized by the board, after recommendation by the commission, allowing an applicant time to conform to a previous condition beyond the original deadline for completion of the activity.
Exterior wall means any wall which defines the exterior boundaries of a building or structure.
Extra-territorial area means unincorporated land within three miles of any city or town. A city or town may place requirements on subdivisions located in whole or in part within a city or town's extraterritorial area pursuant to A.R.S. § 9-474.
Fee simple means absolute and legal possession and ownership of a parcel of land.
Federal Emergency Management Agency/flood insurance rate map means Federal Emergency Management Agency/flood insurance rate map.
FEMA means the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
FHBM means the flood hazard boundary map.
Final plat means a map of long-term reproducible material, describing the subdivision development of six or more lots or parcels, prepared in accordance with these regulations and recorded in the office of the county recorder, after approval by the board of supervisors.
Finished floor elevation means the elevation of the lowest floor, including the basement.
FIRM means flood insurance rate map.
Flexible zoning means zoning which allows for flexible development, and usually includes conservation of space and clustering techniques, providing for a more efficient use of land.
Floodplain means any land area susceptible to being inundated by water from any source.
Floodplain ordinance means the Mohave County Flood Control Ordinance-2000.
Front lot line means the front edge of a piece of property adjacent to an access right-of-way.
Frontage means that portion of a parcel of property which is contiguous with a dedicated public street, highway, right-of-way, or approved access easement.
Frontage road means a road segregating local traffic from the higher speed through traffic and intercepting driveways of residences and commercial establishments along the highway.
General plan means a plan made and adopted by the planning and zoning commission and adopted by the board of supervisors for the general physical development of the county, and includes any unit or part of such plan separately adopted, of any amendment to such plan, or parts thereof. The same as the county plan.
Grant means:
To bestow or confer, with or without compensation, a gift or bestowal by one having control or authority over it, as of land or money;
A conveyance; transfer of title by deed or other instrument;
Transfer of property, real or personal, by deed or in writing;
To give or permit as a right or privilege.
Granting (clause) means that portion of a deed or instrument of conveyance which contains the words of transfer of a present interest.
Gross lot area means total area within the boundary lines of a lot; all of the land that is contained inside the lot boundaries, including easements.
Gross site area means all of the land that is part of a development site, including street rights-of-way and/or easements.
Hillside means that portion of a hill between the summit and the base.
Hydrology report means a report prepared by a registered engineer in the state describing and presenting calculations concerning all aspects of subsurface water for a parcel or area.
Impervious surface means those surfaces which do not absorb water, including, but not limited to, all buildings, parking areas, driveways and roadways, sidewalks, any areas of concrete or asphalt coverage, and roofs.
Improvement plans, subdivision, on-site/off-site, means construction drawings of infrastructure and required improvements to a subdivision, submitted, stamped, and signed by a registered engineer in the state.
Improvements, physical, means all on-site and off-site infrastructure required by these regulations as well as other services, amenities and facilities that may additionally be proposed by the subdivider.
Industrial park means a planned development of land for industrial or industrial-commercial purposes. An industrial park may include a provision for streets or other access, railroad spurs, water, and sewage disposal facilities. An industrial park may also be a subdivision.
Infrastructure means public and private services normally provided in a development, such as water and water lines, tanks, sewer lines and manholes, electric service, gas service, roads, septic systems and wastewater treatment plants.
Ingress means access or entry way to something.
Interior lot means a lot having but one side abutting on a street or right-of-way.
Interior lot line means property lines other than those fronting on a street or roadway.
Land surveyor means a professional land surveyor registered in the state.
Land use means the occupation or utilization of land for any activity or purpose.
Legal access , for the purposes of minor land divisions, means a public right of vehicular ingress and egress between the lots, parcels or fractional interest begin created (A.R.S. § 11-831).
Legal description. For the purposes of these regulations, a legal description is a recorded written delineation of the exactly surveyed location and boundaries of a parcel of property tied to described monuments. A legal description may include a tract number and/or description by metes-and-bounds, or by township, range, section, block, and lot.
Local roads means a road characteristic of low design speed and level of service and providing property access.
Lot means legally defined and delineated parcel of land.
Lot coverage means the percentage of the area of a lot in relation to the area that is covered by all structures and buildings having a roof.
Lot depth means the horizontal length of a straight line connecting the bisecting points of the front and rear lot lines.
Lot, double frontage, means a lot having roadway frontage on two opposite sides.
Lot line means a legally describable boundary line which separates one lot from another, or from a public or private road right-of-way, public space, or alley.
Lot line, front. See county zoning ordinance.
Lot line, rear. See county zoning ordinance.
Lot plat means a site plan plat that defines and creates a lot within a recorded commercial-industrial subdivision by metes and bounds and describes the proposed intent and land uses thereon.
Lot split. See: Minor land division .
Lot width means the average distance between the side lot lines.
If the side lot lines are parallel, the distance between these side lines.
If the side lot lines are not parallel, the width of the lot shall be the length of a line measured at right angles to the axis of the lot at a point which is equal to or greater than the required front yard setback for the district in which it is located. The axis of a lot shall be a line joining the midpoints of the front and rear lot lines.
Main building means a building, or group thereof, within which is conducted the principle use of the lot on which the building is erected.
Major revision means a change to a subdivision plan or site plan that alters or deviates from the purpose, function and/or design as originally intended on the original plan or drawing, so that the originally intended character, effect, and use of the site have been changed.
Major subdivision means a division of property into six or more lots, parcels or fractions thereof.
Manufactured home lot means a lot, as described in the zoning ordinance, either as an individual subdivision lot, or a rental lot within a manufactured home park.
Manufactured home subdivision. A manufactured home subdivision is designed and intended for residential use on individually owned subdivision lots, where dwelling structures are qualified manufactured homes which are recognized by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development as the equivalent of standard frame homes.
Minimum lot width means the minimum number of feet required between side lot lines.
Minor land division means the splitting of a parcel(s) according to A.R.S. § 11-831.
Minor revision means a change to the drawing of a plat or report that does not constitute a major revision and alter the initial design, purpose, or intent of the development or report. (See Major revision .)
Mylar is used as a general reference for a durable, permanent material used for the drawing plats, and which is easily reproducible.
Natural means the state or condition of land surface, vegetation, rocks, and other surface features which have not been moved, added to, or changed.
Natural grade means the elevation of the ground surface in its natural state, before any alterations.
Net (usable) lot area means all of the land contained inside a lot boundary, minus dedicated roadways, significant washes and arroyos, rivers and streams, public utility-interstate commerce transmission lines, railroads, and other conveyances, roadway easements, and attachments that run with the land.
Non-vehicular access easement (NVAE) means an easement described along a parcel boundary allowing no vehicle access across the boundary, typically two feet in width.
Nonconforming lot means a lot that does not conform to the current regulations and standards.
Off-site means any area outside of the boundary of a subdivision tract or development.
Off-site improvements means those improvements necessary under the subdivision regulations or other rules, requiring certain levels of completion, addition, or connection off-site that are related and necessary for the completion of a subdivision project. These improvements include, among others, streets, water and sewer lines, electric service, curb and gutters, storm drainage and other floodplain improvements, earthworks, traffic signs and lights, access road improvements, power poles, wastewater treatment facilities, and fire hydrants.
Off-street parking means space provided for vehicular parking, not within the street right-of-way.
On-site wastewater system means a conventional septic tank or alternative system installed at a site to treat and dispose of wastewater, predominately of human origin generated at the site.
Open-space means any parcel or area of land or water essentially unimproved and vacant. Also, land set aside, dedicated, designated, or reserved for public or private use or enjoyment, or for the use and enjoyment of owners and occupants of land adjoining such area.
Outdoor light fixtures means outdoor artificial light devices, fixtures, lamps, traffic signals, and other kinds, permanent or portable.
Owner (property) means any individual, firm, association, syndicate, co-partnership, corporation, trust, or any legal entity having fee title or other beneficiary interest evidenced by a recorded document(s) in the land to commence and maintain proceedings to control, divide, or otherwise deal with the same, under these regulations.
Owner's agent means any individual, firm, association, syndicate, co-partnership, corporation, trust or any legal entity authorized to act for the owner by way of a signed statement from the owner authorizing the agent.
Package treatment plant means a modular, compartmentalized sewage treatment collection system assembled on site (see Sewage treatment facility ).
Pad elevations means the final grade of a site which conforms to the approved grading plan and use as a basis for the building site elevations.
Parcel means a fragment, portion or plot of land.
Park means a public or private parcel of land set aside for passive or active recreation and/or facilities.
Parking lot means an off-street area specifically for the purpose of parking vehicles.
Parking space means a space set aside for the parking of a vehicle.
Pedestrian path means exterior passage way designed for pedestrian use.
Permanent access means perpetual access from a subdivision to any federal, state or county highway.
State Law reference— Similar definition, A.R.S. § 32-2101.
Person/entity means that as defined by state law.
State Law reference— Definition of person, A.R.S. § 32-2101.
Phase means a portion of a subdivision processed as a separate final plat from the rest of the subdivision. The portion is independent of the rest of the subdivision and stands as a complete subdivision on its own, without being dependent on later development.
Phasing plan means a map layout and narrative describing a development progression for a proposed subdivision in separate parts, for which each part will become an independent subdivision, or will be combined with previous recorded phases.
Physical access means where each lot, parcel or fractional interest has access that is traversable by a two-wheel drive passenger motor vehicle.
Planning commission means the planning and zoning commission as defined by A.R.S. § 11-802. Same as the "county planning commission" or the "commission."
Preliminary plat means a map design, including supporting data, drawn to show the development of six or more lots or parcels to create a subdivision, and as prepared in accordance with these regulations.
Preliminary plat, corrected, means a preliminary plat that has progressed through the county review process and has been returned to the applicant for corrections, and the applicant has made the corrections based on the county review letters and resubmitted the plat for subsequent review.
Preliminary plat, new, means a plat depicting the general design for the subdivision, as originally submitted, based on the pre-application meeting.
Preliminary plat, revised, means a preliminary plat that receives a new tract number, new preliminary title report, and new completion timelines.
Project engineer means a professional engineer registered in the state identified as the engineer for the project or development.
Project surveyor means a professional land surveyor registered in the state identified as the surveyor for the project or development.
Property means a piece of real estate, including the land and/or air space, any structures thereon, all improvements, easements, rights, and appurtenances belonging thereto.
Property owner's association means a legal entity or association, per A.R.S. title 10 or title 33, established for the purpose of owning and maintaining in perpetuity commonly-held private real property, or providing for the administration and development, or maintenance in perpetuity of a legally defined subdivision and/or commonly-held property and appurtenances, usually residential, and governed by a board selected to represent the homeowners.
Public area means a portion of land, building, structure, or space designated for the use by the public.
Public hearing means a public meeting held under the conditions of and for the purpose specified by A.R.S. § 11-814, and these regulations.
Public improvements means those improvements required to be constructed for a given development which are necessary to make the development functional for the public benefit or use.
Public right-of-way width means the distance between two boundary lines, usually parallel, which describe a public right-of-way.
Public utility means a privately owned or municipal facility for distribution to the public of various services, such as power, heat, light, water, sewage removal, and communication.
Re-subdivision (re-plat) means a changing of the design, name, lot lines, size of lots, or road alignments of any recorded and/or approved subdivision in the county.
Recreation facilities means buildings, structures, or areas built or developed for the purpose of entertaining, exercising, or observing various active or passive activities of individuals or groups, or the participation therein.
Recreational vehicle subdivision (includes park models) means a subdivision which creates lots for use by recreational vehicles, and provides human services typically required by these vehicles.
Regulatory flood elevation means an elevation one foot above the base flood elevation for a watercourse, for which the base flood elevation has been determined and shall be as determined by the criteria developed by the director of water resources for all other watercourses.
Right-of-way means any strip of land or area which is secured or reserved for public or private use, such as a street, roadway, utilities, or drainage purposes.
Rural development area means an area described by the general plan as supporting a rural lifestyle consisting of low population, large parcels of land of five acres or greater, low-density neighborhoods, sparse development, ranches, farms, open spaces, and other low density uses.
Sanitary sewer system means a raw sewage collection and treatment system, as approved by the state department of environmental quality.
Scenic highway/route means a highway, road or similar route that, in addition to its transportation function, provides opportunities for the enjoyment of natural and manmade scenic resources and access, or direct views to areas or scenes of natural beauty or historic or cultural interest.
Setbacks means the required minimum horizontal distance between a lot line and the nearest point of a building, structure, or use located on the lot.
Slope means land gradient described as the vertical rise divided by the horizontal run.
Solid waste means any garbage, trash, rubbish, refuse, sludge from a wastewater treatment facility, and other discarded material, including solid, liquid, semisolid, or contained gaseous material, except for hazardous waste, which are discarded to an authorized landfill.
Special flood hazard area means the land in the floodplain within a community subject to a one percent or greater chance of flooding in any given year. The area may be designated as Zone A on the flood hazard boundary map. After detailed ratemaking has been completed in preparation for publication of the flood insurance rate map, Zone A usually is refined into Zone A, AO, AH, A1-30, AE, A99, AR, AR/A1-30, AR/AE, AR/AO, AR/AH, AR/A, VO, or V1-30, VE, or V.
Specific plan means a zoning plan prepared according to A.R.S. § 11-807.
Standard details means industry recognized construction drawings, adopted by the county, which are the minimum requirements to be used in the construction of subdivisions, and other public or private projects.
Standard specifications means industry recognized construction methods adopted by the county which are the minimum requirements to be used in the construction of subdivisions, and other public or private projects.
Stub streets means dead end streets planned to be continued along the same road alignment at a future date in a future development.
Subdivider means any person who offers for sale or lease six or more lots, parcels, or fractional interests in a subdivision or who causes land to be subdivided into a subdivision for himself or for others, or who undertakes to develop a subdivision, but does not include a public agency or officer authorized by law to create subdivisions.
State Law reference— Similar provisions, A.R.S. § 32-2101(55).
Subdivision or subdivided lands:
The term "subdivision" or "subdivided lands" means improved or unimproved land or lands divided or proposed to be divided for the purpose of sale or lease, whether immediate or future, into six or more lots, parcels or fractional interests.
The term "subdivision" or "subdivided lands" includes a stock cooperative, lands divided or proposed to be divided as part of a common promotional plan and residential condominiums as defined in A.R.S. § 33-1201.
The term "subdivision" or "subdivided lands" does not include:
Leasehold offerings of one year or less.
The division or proposed division of land into lots or parcels each of which is or will be 36 acres or more in area, including to the centerline of dedicated roads or easements, if any, contiguous to the lot or parcel.
The leasing of agricultural lands or apartments, offices, stores, hotels, motels, pads or similar space within an apartment building, industrial building, rental recreational vehicle community, rental manufactured home community, rental mobile home park or commercial building.
The subdivision into or development of parcels, plots or fractional portions within the boundaries of a cemetery that has been formed and approved pursuant to this chapter.
A sale or lease of a lot, parcel or fractional interest that occurs ten or more years after the sale or lease of another lot, parcel or fractional interest if the other lot, parcel or fractional interest is not subject to this chapter and is treated as an independent parcel unless, upon investigation, there is evidence of intent to subdivide.
Suburban development area means an area described by the general plan to be intended for development of medium and lower density residential neighborhoods with many of the amenities of urban areas. Suburban lot sizes range from one to five acres in size. Neighborhood commercial uses will be permitted at appropriate locations where they are compatible with adjacent uses and infrastructure.
Timeshare or timeshare property means real property ownership or right of occupancy in real property pursuant to A.R.S. § 32-2197 et seq. For the purposes of this chapter, a timeshare is not a security unless it meets the definition of a security under A.R.S. § 44-1801.
State Law reference— Similar provisions, A.R.S. § 32-2101(57).
Topographical map (topo) means a map depicting the configuration of the earth's surface, natural features, physical changes, and is the representation of the terrestrial relief by contoured intervals.
Tract means a piece of land divided into parcels and lots as a separate and distinct subdivision.
Tract number means a number assigned to a subdivision plat at the preliminary plat stage for identification and recording purposes.
Type I subdivision means a standard subdivision approval process as defined by these regulations.
Type II subdivision means an abbreviated subdivision approval process available to small subdivision projects that qualify, per these regulations.
Unbuildable/unusable lot means a lot that cannot support the required zoning setbacks for the zone, and/or the building lot coverage falls below the minimum requirements because of the intended use of the lot interfering with existing easements.
Unit, condominium, means a division of airspace depicted on the subdivision plat.
Urban development area means an area described by the general plan intended to provide for more intense residential and commercial use and development near urban areas and some outlying communities. Urban designations may range up to 25 units per acre, and urban services and facilities will be required for both residential and nonresidential development.
Usable lot area means the amount of a lot available for use after subtracting required setbacks, easements, roadways, walls, drainage ways, public easements, natural features, and terrain.
Vicinity map means a map, showing the location of a proposed subdivision, its relationship to natural and manmade features, location of major roads and thoroughfares and other communities or developments, indicating the township, range and section lines.
Wall means an erected barrier around property or a structure.
Work day or working day means the days during the year when the county is open for business as determined by the state legislature and the county board of supervisors.
Zone (zoning district) means a specific use classification established by zoning which limits or permits a particular land use or variety of uses, and some uses as approved specifically.
( Ord. No. 2001-01 , ch. 2, 2-20-2001; Ord. No. 2004-04 , ch. 2, 12-6-2004; Ord. No. 2010-06 , ch. 2, 4-5-2010; Ord. No. 2011-11 , ch. 2, 9-12-2011)
State law reference
Definitions, A.R.S. § 32-2101.