§ 28-120. Frequency of collection.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The frequency of collection shall be in accordance with rules of the collection agency but not less than that shown in the following schedules:


    Garbage only: twice weekly.


    Refuse with garbage: twice weekly.


    Rubbish and ashes: as often as necessary to prevent nuisances and vector breeding.


    A variance from the required frequency rate may be granted to allow for the collection of garbage once weekly. The variance may be granted by the state department of environmental quality upon submission of an acceptable plan approved by the local health department demonstrating that no public health hazards or nuisances will exist and that fly breeding will be controlled by either biological, chemical, or mechanical means. The variance may be revoked whenever the state department of environmental quality determines that the circumstances warranting the variance no longer exist.


    This section shall apply only to jurisdictions that require regular refuse removal by code, rule or ordinance.

( Ord. No. 2011-06 , § IV-H, 11-5-2012)