§ 14-108. Loading rates and disallowed substances at land application sites.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    No industrial or hazardous wastes shall be deposited on the site. Only sewage sludge, as defined in this article, is permitted.


    No liquid or solid materials removed from a septic tank, cesspool, or similar treatment works that receives either commercial wastewater or industrial wastewater shall be applied on the site, nor shall grease removed from a grease trap at a restaurant.


    The pH of the soil/sewage sludge mixture is to be maintained at 6.5 or greater at all times.


    The pH of the soil in the land disposal area is not to go below 6.5 as measured by annual soil tests.


    The annual cadmium (Cd) loading rate is not to exceed 0.5 Kg/Hectare/year. The following formula shall be used to calculate the annual cadmium loading rate:

    Cd dry weight concentration [mg/kg] x whole applicator rate [metric tons/ha] x .001 (conversion factor)=Cd applied [kg/ha]

    Application of cadmium in excess of the annual loading rate shall be grounds for revocation of the land application license.


    The ceiling concentrations for the following substances shall be as follows (all values are milligrams per kilogram-dry weight basis):

    (in milligrams per kilogram dry weight)
    Arsenic 41
    Cadmium 39
    Copper 1500
    Lead 300
    Mercury 17
    Nickel 420
    Selenium 100
    Zinc 2800



    Sewage sludge testing. With respect to a licensee land applying sewage sludge, at least quarterly, testing of the sewage sludge in the holding tanks shall be conducted by an independent engineering or biosolids firm to ensure that the ceiling concentrations of the substances identified in subsection (f) of this section are not exceeded. The results of this quarterly testing shall be provided to the county. In no event may sewage sludge be land applied where any of the subsection (f) of this section ceiling concentrations are exceeded. The applicant shall be responsible for the cost of this quarterly testing. In no event shall testing be performed less frequently than required under the 40 CFR 503 regulations. This provision is applicable to licensee irrespective of any and all testing by the county.


    In no event shall sewage sludge be land applied such that the cumulative pollutant loading rates and/or the pollutant concentration limitations provided in 40 CFR 503.13, Tables 2 and 3, are exceeded.

( Ord. No. 2003-03 , § 112, 8-4-2003)