§ 14-104. Site and application restrictions.  

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  • (a)

    Sewage sludge shall be land applied by either:


    Subsurface injection, or


    Incorporation within six hours of surface application.


    In no event may sewage sludge be surface spread or land applied by any method other than injection or incorporation.


    The land application of sewage sludge under this article shall only be conducted on a non-public contact site. Sewage sludge shall not be applied to a public contact site, a lawn, or a home garden.


    A non-public contact site is a site the public uses infrequently, such as agricultural land, and reclamation sites, and that is adjacent to areas having a low population density.


    A public contact site is land with a high potential for contact by the public. This includes, but is not limited to, public parks, ball fields, cemeteries, plant nurseries, golf courses, and other areas where members of the public customarily have ready access.


    As used in this section, the term "public" means individuals or groups of individuals not employed, associated or otherwise affiliated with the land application entity and/or operation.


    To avoid the public and/or animals from coming into contact with the soil/sewage sludge mixture, the application site must be fenced with, at a minimum, a four-foot uninterrupted wire-mesh fence. The wire-mesh fence must be installed subject to the following requirements:


    There shall be no greater than two inches of separation between the ground and the bottom of the wire-mesh fence; and


    The wire mesh shall not contain any single opening greater than six inches by six inches in area.


    Each land disposal site's significant point of access shall be posted with "No Trespassing" signs, and identified by "Sewage Sludge Disposal Site" signs rectangular in shape and no smaller than four feet by eight feet, with the signs painted red with fluorescent yellow lettering no smaller than six inches in size, as a land application disposal site for sewage sludge. Moreover, each entrance to the land application site must be gated, with said gate to be closed and locked at all times except during entrance or exit from the site.


    In addition to the notice provided above, at the main entrance of each application site, signage must be erected setting forth the following information:


    The name and address or phone number of the applier;


    The names, addresses, and phone numbers of any licensing, regulatory and permitting authority;


    The material that is being applied (i.e., sewage sludge);


    A notice that access is restricted, and if desired, the date after which access is no longer restricted; and


    If applicable, a notice on limitations regarding the harvest of edible plants from the site.


    Sewage sludge shall not be applied such that ponding or runoff occurs.


    Sewage sludge shall not be applied to soils unless the soil has dried adequately from previous application or rainfall, so that ponding does not occur.


    Sewage sludge shall not be applied by spray irrigation or other methods that cause aerosols to drift from the application site.


    Sewage sludge shall not be applied on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays recognized by the county, during periods of precipitation, winds exceeding ten miles per hour, or during any 24-hour period when the percentage chance of precipitation is 25 percent or greater, as forecast for the county weather area by the National Weather Service.

( Ord. No. 2003-03 , § 108, 8-4-2003)